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To the lions, liars and the lost ones. I see you. In this world and age nothing seems more important to me than holding on to those dearest to us. Thank you to my family and to all my friends. Thank you for every single one of my teachers that made it possible for me to be standing here today. You are truly irreplaceable. Thank you to every single person who stood up for those who were smaller or weaker or just different... The world needs more people like you. & to my less comfortable teachers... To those that taught me the importance of self love and learning to let go of those that destroy you... In spite of the pain thank you for showing me I was worth more than staying in that small prison you would have had me believe I deserved. In all things and to everything I also thank God. Above all and throughout all... You never once let me fall. Carpe Diem & God Bless.
Mel Kay
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